The time has come to shut up shop so to speak, and clear out this resource.

It's been a long journey, with over 1000 full length reviews and tutorials, all written since 2013. I did my best to bring you my honest thoughts on flavours, and hardware both old and new and offer you guidance on all aspects of vaping whether it be rebuildable advice, or e-liquid mixing techniques.

However, with the introduction of over-reaching vaping restrictions here in Australia, it has become impossible to keep this going. No imports, no products, nothing to review.

So, I'm hanging the boots up and deleting the site (it costs me too much to keep it up and running for reviews of soon to be, obsolete products).

It has been a fun ride and an absolute pleasure to deal with the many friendly faces in the industry, from manufacturers, vape stores, juice makers and the like, and I've met some great friends along the way.

Particular thanks go to all of the manufacturers that sent me gear to review, as well as the Aussie stores that bombarded me with product over the years. Your generosity kept the lights on, and was truly appreciated.

My heart breaks for all of those whom have lost their stores, livelihoods, and way of life, all due to one muppet with a fractured sense of reality.

I truly hope you all land on your feet and this is only a temporary set-back.
